Our youngest, Isaac, is very outgoing, however he was not eager to go to many nationals in India. {Much to the disappointment of his grandparents! His Dadu & Dadi, however, soon learned his love language of food and they became fast friends.} Because he is the youngest everyone wanted to hold him, pinch his cheeks, or hold his hand, before long he was not having any of it. BUT he LOVED the driver we had hired to take us to the school & village meetings…like loved, loved him, would willing go with him anywhere, sat on his lap, would let him hold him & carry him around. One morning we were surprised when a new driver came to take us to the school. Pushpyar made some calls and found out that that our regular driver had fallen over the weekend and broken his collar bone…and he would be out of work for several weeks. With no medical insurance or sick days this was a big deal. Because of our relationship with him we were able to visit him at his house, m*nister to his entire family and pr*y with him to be healed. His wife was so happy to share her story, serve us cold drinks and have us in their humble home. All because a little boy asked to sit on his lap. G*d delights in using us each, no matter how young or old we are!